Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Nature of the Subconscious

Arche International has provided training in spiritual growth and personal development since 1967. Founder Doctor Rosita Rodriguez conducted research on healing modalities of indigenous people in order to expand upon the education she received from medical school.
What she discovered helped her better understand our true nature and utilizing her scientific training, she was able to create a series of programs to share her knowledge.
Much of what she taught was considered radical at the time, but is now mainstream. Her pronouncements on the nature of the subconscious were viewed skeptically by the medical establishment forty years ago. She claimed that during operations, while the patient is sedated, their subconscious is awake and hears what is being said.
Furthermore, the subconscious has a subjectively young level of consciousness similar to a three year old child, and tends to believe what it hears.
Doctors were already aware of the placebo affect in which the health of a patient given a sugar pill often improved.They didn't have a rational explanation for it, but Rosita's research demonstrated how powerful belief is in healing.
As powerful authority figures, doctors have a great responsibility to do no harm to the patient. Verbalizing a negative prognosis during an operation could have dire consequences.
Rosita explained that the subconscious is responsible for the functioning of the physical body. Her own work with terminally ill patients taught her that counseling all levels was imperative if the patient was to survive. For although the subconscious operates the physical body, it needs guidance to maintain optimal health.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009


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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Every Day is New

My great spiritual teacher Dr. Rosita Rodriguez in a rare moment of melancholy told me that "there is nothing new under the sun". Ever glib, I replied that I disagreed. No two days are the same. Each living being which is born each day is new, and has not been seen by the sun.
Even those of us who have been around longer than one day can be new under the sun.

The first time I met Rosita, I became a different person. Some people seem to be magnetic. They charge the atmosphere of any room they enter. Coming in close proximity to one such magnetic person seemed to magnetize me.

A pioneer in the study of the nature of consciousness, Rosita is the founder of Arche International, an organization which teaches spiritual philosophy.
I think Rosita found my willingness to engage and debate her refreshing. Of course she probably found my endless questioning a bit tiresome sometimes.

Every atom that exists now has been around for eons, so Rosita was right. And human nature has not really evolved as much as we might suppose. All our human foibles seem to be repeated endlessly, from one generation to the next.

But I was also right. Even the atoms in our own bodies come and go so that we are never the same from moment to moment. The Universe is expanding. It is dynamic. It is both chaotic and orderly. It is both matter and thought.

Our bodies and minds are a vehicle for our consciousness. Our bodies are adapted to life on this planet. While our consciousness isn't constrained by the force of gravity, our bodies are. A body worn down over time by the force of gravity has a more difficult time as a vehicle for consciousness.

Gravity isn't the only force that acts upon us. The food we eat, beverage we imbibe, and habits we repeat, influence our physical and mental health.

Our sense of time allows us to tie together the constant change into a linear narrative. This helps us order our lives. The same is true for our other senses as well. Our vision is only sensitive to a range of colors, just as our hearing can only discern specific frequencies. Our sense of smell likewise only samples a small range of molecular possibilities.

We create patterns and models out of the data we perceive with our senses. But is any of it real? It is real enough. Our perceptions shape our reality as much as our reality shapes our perceptions.

In the physical manifest form, humans all experience gravity. Regardless of faulty senses, gravity exits. We also all experience our own mind. That experience can be dramatically different, and for each of us equally real.

The physical manifest is a reflection of the spiritual. The powerful magnetism I experienced in Rosita's presence was palpable to me, and quite possibly imperceptible to others. My own senses and thought patterns we already primed to experience her presence. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

If you're discouraged because everyday seems the same, you have the tools to change how you perceive reality. Make your own spiritual life your priority, and the rest will follow. The atoms that constitute your body were once part of the sun that blazes in the sky.

(c) copyright Drew Hutchison. all rights reserved world wide.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Life is Change

Time has a way of slowing down or speeding up depending on our perception. When we are bored, or depressed, it seems to slow down. Nothing seems to change, and yet change is happening all the time. It never stops.

While change is inevitable; our subconscious is generally resistant to it. We may find ourselves in deplorable circumstances, seemingly stuck in the muck, and no matter how hard we try to escape, we remain. This is in part because the subconscious is a creature of habit.

Any behavior we engage in repeatedly becomes a habit, whether it is the types of food we eat, the clothes we wear, the way we go to sleep, the people we associate with, and of course the cigarettes we smoke, and the alcohol we drink. Habits which society doesn't approve of are labeled addictions.

Much of our negative habits have a psychic cost associated with them as well. Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, self loathing make breaking the bad habits even more difficult.

And yet change is still happening. Cells in our body are dying and being replaced, as we age. If change is inevitable, isn't there some way we can embrace it? Isn't there some way we can direct it?

Yes, and each of us has the innate power to affect the change we want.

It requires hard work.

It requires being honest with yourself.

It requires you learn to stop beating yourself up.

Fortunately, there are resources available to anyone that really wants to grow and enjoy life.

The first and most powerful resource is your own mind.

The way to enlist the help of your mind is to practice meditation. Of course, anything that you practice will eventually become a habit, and as you know, habits are pretty easy to fall into. What is fortuitous about good habits is that they make it easier to break bad ones. And just as bad habits can create a negative feedback loop that reinforces the bad habit; good habits create positive feedback loops that reward the new behavior.

There are many different forms of meditation. They generally all find a way to quiet the subconscious. I wouldn't worry about using a proper or particular technique when you first start. If you find a quiet time and place to be alone with your own thoughts, your subconscious will no doubt pester you, and that is OK. Eventually you'll learn to not be distracted by the little voice in your head. Often I find it helpful to have a word or phrase to meditate on, such as attachment, or love. The more often you meditate, the less your subconscious will interfere, and you'll find yourself growing in ways that will astound you.

Ask yourself what you are passionate about. What is your purpose? When you meditate, you are able to explore your true nature. When you align your purpose with your passion, you are able to unlock tremendous power to guide the change that is part of your life path. Of course, that power requires being responsible with how you use it, but that is a subject for another article.

(c) Copyright Drew Hutchison. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Drew_Hutchison